Thursday, May 14, 2020

Plutonium Credit Card and Chris Essay - 1448 Words

Running Head: PLUTONIUM COMPANY Week 3 Case Study: Plutonium Company Fraud Kyle Harrison Keller Graduate School of Management AC 572: Accounting Fraud Examination Concepts Instructor Sherwin Cord January 25, 2009 Week 3 Case Study: Plutonium Company Fraud Plutonium, an Internet start-up company founded in 1988, was in the midst of a massive project to improve integration and internal data quality of its disparate information systems. At the heart of this project was an endeavor to implement a complex billing system called Gateway. Gateway, working with Visa, would automate billing for Plutonium’s large customer base; however, once implemented, Gateway had thousands of corrupt accounts that needed to be resolved in order to improve†¦show more content†¦Along with perceived pressures and opportunities, rationalization completes the fraud triangle. Chris rationalized his actions in four distinct ways. First, Chris probably felt that he deserved more, so in his mind, Plutonium owed it to him. He was performing complex technical work that far exceeded the work done by his peers and even his superior, Jonathan. Second, Chris rationalized that no one would get hurt. After all , his actions were not really affecting anyone, and in the grand scheme of things, he was not taking that much money. Third, Chris probably felt that what he was doing was for a good purpose: he was doing it so he could further his education which would then make him even more valuable to Plutonium. Lastly, he rationalized that he had to either sacrifice his integrity or his reputation. Chris would feel embarrassed if he could not support his family or complete his education. With all three fraud triangle elements present, Chris was, in all likelihood, probably committing fraud. Consequently, there were several symptoms that should have alerted others that fraud was taking place. First, the case stated that Jonathan had noticed a recent change in Chris’s behavior. According to Albrecht, Albrecht, amp; Albrecht (2006), â€Å"no particular behavior signals fraud; rather, changes inShow MoreRelatedFraud Triangle And Red Flags1485 Words   |  6 Pages#1 - Fraud Triangle and Red Flags Plutonium entered the Internet start-up boom in 1988. It experienced rapid growth that resulted in a haphazard information technology (IT) system in which pieces of technology were implemented quickly leaving poor integration and data integrity. To strengthen data integrity and create an integrated IT system, the organization installed a billing system, Gateway, which required testing utilizing an imitation yet live credit card number to test the software and integrationRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesrailroad builders in East Africa and Siberia, gold miners in South Africa and Australia, soybean farmers in Manchuria, coffee growers in Brazil, and the millions of small merchants who collected raw materials and distributed manufactured goods, and credit from the Amazon jungles to the West African savannas to the slums of New York were all a part of this global economy. Their 22 †¢ CHAPTER 1 activities produced more goods that generated more trade, more movement, and more disruptive commercialization

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