Friday, December 27, 2019

Question 2. Review The Scholarly Literature Within The

QUESTION 2 Review the scholarly literature within the field of your program specialization related to your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic. Analyze the reviewed literature to determine what is already known about your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic and what remains unknown. Synthesize your findings and evaluate how a study on your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic could be designed to advance the scholarly research in this area while maintaining ethical research requirements. Literature Review The purpose of this paper is to present a literature review on the school-approved dissertation topic: How do foster parents describe the experiences and engagement in family†¦show more content†¦Studies about FPM in the foster care system indicates that engagement is an important component to achieving permanency for foster children (Boldis, Tomlinson, 2014; Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, Cuccaro-Alamin, 2011). It has been demonstrated that FPM increases biological family members participation in permanency planning (Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, Cuccaro-Alamin, 2011; Gladstone et al., 2012; Montserrat, L?pez, Bravo, del Valle, 2013). Permanency is more likely to be long term when biological families are active members of the FPM (Balsells, Pastor, Mateos, Vaquero, Urrea, 2015; Boldis, Tomlinson, 2014; Crampton, Usher, Wildfire, Webster, Cuccaro-Alamin, 2011; Steen, Duran, 2013). However, there is a gap in research on FPM and permanency planning throu gh the team approach of decision-making that is inclusive of foster parents. The school-approved topic is How do foster parents describe the experiences and engagement in family partnership meetings and permanency planning? This study looks to expand on the concept of foster parents as professional members of a multidisciplinary team through their engagement in FPM and permanency planning. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxeds Church and The...

Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxeds Church and The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock The span of time from the Victorian age of Literature to the Modernism of the 20th century wrought many changes in poetry style and literary thinking. While both eras contained elements of self-scrutiny, the various forms and reasoning behind such thinking were vastly different. The Victorian age, with its new industrialization of society, brought to poetry and literature the fictional character, seeing the world from anothers eyes. It was also a time in which Victorian authors and intellectuals found a way to reassert religious ideas (Longman, p. 1790). Society was questioning the ideals of religion, yet people wanted to†¦show more content†¦Do I live, am I dead? (13) reveals the uncertainty of the bishops thoughts as he contemplates death, wondering if others see that he deserves such a fine tomb. In Eliots poem, Prufrock poses his own questioning, Do I dare? (38) and Do I dare/ disturb the universe? (45-46) which reflects his own personal conflict as he strug gles to decide on whether he should take action, any action in his own life. Although these monologues contain the same elements of self questioning, they are vastly different, both in style and in tone. The bishop of Brownings poem sees himself as a great man, How I earned the prize! (33). He orders this stately tomb of lapis (102) and antique black basalt (53-54), a tomb so rich such as a king or queen might be deserving of. This gives us a clear picture that he thinks highly of himself, and he wants others to see the same, even after he is dead, the tomb much like a shrine of great importance. In contrast, Alfred J. Prufrock of Eliots poem, feels no such greatness in himself. He is filled with vast uncertainty so that every small decision is wrought with conflict, and as such, he never does anything. I have measured out my life with coffee spoons (51) shows us that his life was characterized by small measures, having done no great work. I am no prophet (84) and Am an attendant lord, one that will do (112) characterizes his view of himself,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nursing Placement for Ischemic Heart Disease- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theNursing Placement for Ischemic Heart Disease. Answer: Introduction The purpose of the paper is to gain a deep insight regarding the importance of pathophysiology, pharmacology, assessment of the diseases that are manifested by the patient in the given case study. In the given case study, the patient named Jackson Roland was admitted to Hampstead hospital as he fell in the aged care and got injured sustaining cervical spine. The actual patient name has been used in here. As he has no one to look after him, he has permanently stayed in aged care. Jack had a past medical history of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 1, hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD), atonic bladder (SPC), Peripheral vascular disease(PVD). A catheter that is inserted surgically through the lower part of the abdomen directly into the bladder is known as suprapubic catheter or SPC. He also underwent bilateral transmetatarsal amputation, carpal tunnel surgery and CABG* 2 8 stunt 2008. As he is suffering from severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy due to diabetic neuropathy, there is risk for fall due to decreased sensation and lack of muscle coordination and control. Due to high blood sugar level, the nerves are damaged and can lead to neuropathy enhancing the risk for fall (Vinik et al. 2015). This condition is a diabetic complication and mostly occurs when diabetes remain undiagnosed or not well controlled. This could be the reason for Jacks fall and his need for admission at the hospital. For the access to Jacks information, informed consent is required from him or his caregiver at the aged care. The confidentiality is important while getting access to his personal information like past medical history, current medications, past surgeries and in getting previous medical records (Keast 2016, pp.20). Patient confidentiality has been maintained in here. The main risk for Jack after admission is the moderate or severe brain injury that could be associated with the sustained cervical spine injury (Theologis et al. 2014, pp.356-361). Therefore, there is a requirement of diagnosis and management of cervical spine trauma and assessment of diabetes and hypertension being the major concern and SPC supra pubic catheterisation due to atonic bladder. Pathophysiology As mentioned above, the medical history of Jack revealed that he is suffering from DM type 1, IHD, PVD, hypertension, atonic bladder (SPC) and severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Diabetes and hypertension are the major concern that could have manifested the signs and symptoms in Jack and made him prone to fall. Type 1 DM or juvenile diabetes is a condition when the body does not produce insulin that is important to break down the starches and sugars for energy generation (American Diabetes Association 2015). The pathophysiology of DM type 1 is the destruction of beta cells that secrete insulin from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas (Jennings 2015). There is decline in beta cell mass that in turn decreases the insulin secretion until there is no adequate insulin to maintain the normal blood sugar levels where autoimmunity is the major DM type 1 pathophysiology (American Diabetes Association 2015). There is sensory neuropathy caused by segmental demyelination and axonal degeneration that is manifested in Jack making him prone to fall due to sustained hyperglycaemic condition. A patient having chronically elevated glucose level is exposed to damage to the longest nerves in their bodies that convey sensory information from the feet and toes to the spinal cord. The loss of muscle tone and sensation are worst felt at the ankles and feet. This makes it difficult for the patient to walk or stand up. This is more prominent at old age. The condition brought about by neuropathy is one of the major reasons that people with diabetes have such a high risk for falls (Atkinson, Eisenbarth and Michels 2014, pp.69-82). Pathophysiology of hypertension is multi-factorial and complex where kidney acts as the major target organ and contributing factor. Arterial hypertension is the persistent systemic blood elevation where the cardiac output is elevated or systemic vascular resistance increase. There is a strong link between hypertension and diabetic neuropathy where hypertension acts as the independent risk factor as RBCs and Na/K ATPase decrease. An alteration in the microcirculation plays an important role in this regard. Hypertension leads to up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression at the sites of myelin thinning at sensory nerve fibers. This potentially worsens comorbid diabetes (Visser et al. 2014). This could be the pathophysiology of hypertension in Jack with diabetes, both being intertwined conditions sharing significant overlap in the manifestation of the underlying risks (Burnier and Wuerzner 2015, pp.655-683). There are macrovascular complications associated with longstanding hypertension or diabetes which includes IHD (Ischemic Heart Disease) and PHD (American Diabetes Association 2015). Microvascular complications include sensorimotor polyneuropathy that is witnessed in Jack on admission. IHD is a condition in which there is narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels that affects the blood supply to the heart. This occurs due to cholesterol deposition on the walls of the vessels reducing the nutrient and oxygen supply to the heart muscles that is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Therefore, this condition occurs when some part of the heart is deprived of the oxygen and blood supply that can lead to heart attack (Shepard et al. 2015, pp.455-456). In the given case study, Jack is suffering from DM type 1 that is the major risk factor for the disease. Hypertension also acts as a risk factor for the development of IHD and with time, the disease progresses. The longstanding high glucose levels damages arteries that make them hard and stiff. There is building up of fatty materials on the walls of these vessels blocking the blood flow to brain and heart that can lead to stroke (Shepard et al. 2015, pp.455-456). PVD is also caused due to diabetes and hypertension, being the primary factor for the development of the disease. There is slow narrowing or blocking of the blood vessels that can also cause spasms. PHD is a progressive circulation disorder that also involves blood vessels outside heart like arteries, lymphatic vessels or veins. These vessels supplying blood to brain, legs are also constricted and results in improper functioning. PHD most commonly affects feet and legs where there is decrease in the inner size of vessels and eventually blocks the major arteries (Mascarenhas et al. 2014, pp.149-166). Postural hypotension (PH) is the one of the signs associated with Jacks fall, which he sustained at home and it could be a risk for him as he suffers from type I Diabetes Mellitus. PH is defined as fall in the systolic blood pressure 20mm Hg or a fall in the diastolic blood pressure 10mm Hg, following 3 minutes of continuous standing. It is associated with sympathetic autonomic dysfunction in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (Bharucha et al. 2013, pp.330-339). It can cause renal failure and even sudden death. It is caused as a result of poor diabetic control and ageing. Diabetes is linked to PH as autonomic neuropathy and inappropriate usage of antihypertensive medications can give rise to sudden drops in the blood pressure, thereby resulting in falls as a result of syncope or fainting (Hjortkjr et al. 2016, p.e012307). Under normal conditions, when an individual changes to a standing position from a sitting position, the brain sends signals to the blood vessels of the leg s to undergo constriction reflexively and in an instant manner. This prevents blood to accumulate in the leg, preventing blood and oxygen deprivation to the brain. However, in patients with diabetes mellitus, the nerves involved in signalling send poor signals to the leg blood vessels and thereby results in fall in blood pressure. This is a sign of sympathetic neuropathy and results in PH. However, anti-hypertensives like diuretics and alpha-1-antagonists like terazosin and prazosin can also cause postural hypotension. Individuals with diabetes are also at an increased risk of sustaining dehydration. High blood glucose levels in can lead to decrease in water content of the body resulting in dehydration. One of the symptoms of severe dehydration is fall in blood pressure, which can cause fainting in individuals. The patient was suffering from diabetes mellitus, so one of the reasons for his fall could be dehydration. Apart from diabetes, peripheral neuropathy can also cause postural hypotension (Canal et al. 2013). The peripheral nervous system helps to connect the central nervous system with the rest of the body like arms, legs, internal organs, mouth, among others. In peripheral neuropathy the nerves associated with the connections and the necessary signalling undergoes malfunction. These malfunctions are caused as a result of damage to these nerves. One of the symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy is a drop in blood pressure, which can result in fainting. Nerve damage in peripheral neuropathy is mainly caused by diabetes (Metzler et al. 2013, pp.2212-2219; Tsantoulas et al. 2017, p. eaam6072). The condition of atonic bladder is also linked with poorly controlled or long-standing diabetic condition. This condition is a urologic complication of diabetes referred as bladder dysfunction. There are complaints of urge incontinence to decreased bladder or overactive bladder and overflow incontinence. This is a condition faced by the patient as he had undergone supra pubic catheterisation. Neurological destruction is linked to the development of atonic bladder. Destruction of damaging of the nerves that are responsible for bladder control are associated with atonic bladder condition. This may result in obstructive urinary bladder, underactive or overactive urinary bladder. This is caused as a result of the alterations in the physiology of the detrusor muscles, neuronal impairment and urothelial dysfunction. This is the reason SPC supra pubic catheterisation was being administered in Jack. This could be a reason for dehydration in Jack leading to postural hypotension and risk for f alls. An overactive bladder can cause the frequent release of urine from the body and if this fluid is not replaced, it results in dehydration (Chu, Tsai and Hwang 2016, p.S66; Ay et al. 2013, p. E135 ). The resulting neuropathic condition that is witnessed in Jack in sensorimotor polyneuropathy, where he has lost the ability to feel or move due to nerve damage. Polyneuropathy is defined as the systemic or body wide condition where the nerves are damaged in different parts of body like nerve fibres, nerve cells and nerve coverings (Taveggia et al. 2014, pp.242-252). Sensorimotor polyneuropathy can cause damage in nerve cells, axons and the myelin sheaths. This damage takes place in the covering of the nerve cells that makes nerve signals to become slow or stop working. One of the causes of sensorimotor polyneuropathy is diabetes. Transmetatarsal amputation (TMA) is performed to preserve limb viability and is used to treat patients with diabetic neuropathy among other medical conditions. TMA is done in cases of forefoot ulcerations and gangrene complicated due to the presence of diabetes mellitus. The patient had also undergone carpal tunnel surgery. This surgery relieves pressure fro m the median nerve, thereby preventing carpal tunnel syndromes. Carpal tunnel syndrome causes numbness, weakness and tingling sensations in the hand because of pressure building in the median nerve of the wrist. Diabetes is one of the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome. Reduction in heart rate variability (HRV) is generally associated with diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy. The patient had also undergone coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) to improve his blood flow to the heart. Thus, the patient suffers from severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy, which has affected his limbs like forefoot and wrists. Moreover, his heart is also affected. From the above discussions regarding the pathophysiology of the conditions that are manifested in Jack, it is evident that diabetes and hypertension are the main reasons for the development and progression of these diseases. He developed postural hypotension as a result of his diabetes. He also suffered from sensorimotor polyneuropathy, which is associated with diabetes. For this reason, he had to undergo TMA to maintain his limb viability and also had to undergo carpal tunnel surgery to relieve pressure from the median nerves in his wrist. Another symptom of sensorimotor polyneuropathy is heart rate variability and as a result he had to undergo CBG. The cervical spine injury also exhibit complications like bladder dysfunction that leaves the detrusor muscles incapable of contraction and causes urine to flow back to the kidneys and so, SPC is being used that permit passive urine drainage at regular intervals for the prevention of bladder overfilling. The conditions are due to the com plications of long-standing diabetes or hypertension in Jack that was either undiagnosed or poorly managed. Therefore, the main concern for his care are the diabetes and hypertension conditions and the SPC supra pubic catheterisation due to atonic bladder. Pharmacology Jacks current medications include Navorapid, Lantus solo star pen, Amlodipine. The immediate concern is to manage his diabetes and blood pressure levels. He suffered a sustained cervical spine injury, but it is not possible to reverse the spinal cord damage. However, pharmacological medications could promote regeneration of nerve cell and improve the nerve functioning. Therefore, the pharmacological interventions in spinal cord injury treatment is focused on the prevention of further injury and empowering Jack to lead a productive and active life. The medication NovoRapid is used for the lowering of the blood sugar levels, as the pancreas cannot produce insulin to meet the requirements of the body (Wendt et al. 2017, p. 1932296817693254). The expected outcome of this medication is to lower the blood glucose levels as glucose cannot store or accumulated by the body for use. Novorapid stimulates the glucose uptake in fat and skeletal muscle, inhibits the production of hepatic glucose. This medication also inhibits proteolysis or lipolysis and enhances protein synthesis (, 2017). It has a rapid action and onset with shorter duration as compared to human insulin. It has a therapeutic effect of controlling hyperglycemia and so it can control the blood glucose levels of Jack, which were found to be high as he was suffering from type I diabetes mellitus, which results in inability of the body to produce insulin. The side effects of this drug include hypoglycemia in the endothelial cells and have local effects lik e swelling, erythema, pruritis and liposystrophy. It also has miscellaneous side effects include allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. The contraindications of this drug are in hypoglycemia, hypersensitivity or allergy and should be cautiously used in infection and stress. As Jack is suffering from type 1 diabetes, this drug must be used with longer-acting insulin that includes the precautions before using this drug for lowering the blood glucose levels. These precautions include inadequate dosing or treatment discontinuation. Inadequate or discontinuation of treatment can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycaemia. NovoRapid must not be injected if symptoms of hypoglycaemia develop. Dose adjustment is considered following blood glucose adjustment. Rapid onset of action of NovoRapid can be expected in the case of patients with concomitant diseases. Concomitant diseases increases patients requirements for insulin and as a result, the doses need to be changed. Insulin antibodies can form and insulin administration needs to be regulated in order to prevent hyper or hypoglycaemia. The nursing considerations include the proper administration of the drug and check for dose, type and expiration date. This drug should be administered by disposable external insulin pump and discarding of cartridges after 7 days. The infusion site should be changed every 48 hours and most importantly, insulin aspart should be administered along with a long-duration acting insulin due to Novorapids short duration of action (Jennings 2016, pp.132-23; Bowering et al. 2017, pp. 161770). The patient used a Lantus Solostar pen for insulin injection. Amlodipine is used to lower blood pressure and also helps to improve blood flow to the heart, in case of blocked arteries. Amlodipine is an antihypertensive and calcium channel blocker that inhibit the transportation of calcium into vascular and myocardial smooth muscle cells that result in inhibition of excitation-contraction coupling and contraction. It has a therapeutic effect of vasodilation that results in decreased blood pressure. This coronary vasodilatation result in decreased severity and frequency of angina attacks and also helps in the treatment of high blood pressure or hypertension. The patient in the case study is treated with Amlodipine for the treatment of hypertension. However, the side effects of this drug include fatigue, dizziness, angina, peripheral edema, hypotension, bradycardia, angina, palpitations and may cause flushing, nausea and gingival hyperplasia. This drug is contraindicated in low systolic BP below 90 mm Hg and hypersensitivity. This drug should be c autiously used in aortic stenosis, severe hepatic impairment and should be used with utmost precaution. Before administration, nurse should consider the dose, route of administration and expiry date and may be administered without regard to the meals (Higaki et al. 2017, p.251). Amlodipine can cause low blood pressure, which can result in dizziness and fainting. Thus, it is necessary to monitor the blood pressure before its administration. Lantus solostar pen or insulin glargine has therapeutic effect by lowering of the blood glucose levels through stimulation of glucose uptake in the fat and skeletal muscles. It inhibits the production of hepatic glucose and inhibition of lipolysis, proteolysis. It also enhances protein synthesis and control hyperglycemia. The adverse reactions of this drug are hypoglycemia, swelling, erythema, lipodystrophy and pruritis and can cause hypersensitivity including anaphylaxis. Before administration, the nurse should consider the dosage and administration of this drug as medication errors are common in insulin. Insulin syringes should be properly used and there should be no mixing of the drug with other insulin solutions. The drug should be administered subcutaneously once daily at the same time each day and should not be administered with insulin pumps or IV (Rosselli et al. 2015, p.251; Ranjan et al. 2016, p.410-418). Investigations The assessment of the vital signs and diagnostic tests or activities is important for the patient-center care and planning. The patient history, vital signs, laboratory tests and physical examination is important for the proper planning of care and disease management. Vital signs of a patient are important for the healthcare professionals to determine the treatment options and provide critical information to make the decisions for treatment and management. In the given case study, after admission to the hospital, Jack was diagnosed with type 1 DM, hypertension through the diagnostic testing of blood. He suffered a serious fall at his home as a result of postural hypotension, which indicates that he had these medical conditions prior to hospital admission but was diagnosed after admission. Everyday Jacjkson was monitored thrice daily to check his blood sugar level before administration of insulin. It is necessary to check blood glucose levels before insulin administration, since, insu lin administration following low blood glucose levels can give rise to serious health concerns and can also give rise to hypoglycaemia. Monitoring of blood glucose levels is essential to guide the therapy for diabetic patients. Patients with Type 1 diabetes are usually given 2 injections of two types of insulin per day. This generally progresses to 3-4 injections of different types of insulin. Types of insulin depends on blood glucose levels. Monitoring of blood glucose levels is essential in order to modulate the insulin dosage, activity and food consumption. The main reason for admission was fall, so X ray was done to look for any kind of injury that he has sustained after cervical spine injury. The patients past medical history revealed that he suffers from hypertension and diabetes. His blood pressure and blood glucose levels had to be monitored in the aged care, so that proper medications and nursing implementations were carried out to provide sufficient care to the patient. In the aged care, the patients blood pressure was checked regularly. This was because, he was suffering from hypertension, moreover, high blood glucose levels can also result in high blood pressure. Jack also suffered from heart problems and hypertension is a major risk factor for the development of ischemic heart disease. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure, in order to prevent ischemic heart disease. Measurement of blood pressure is also needed in patients suffering from postural hypotension, which can increase the risk of falls. High blood pressure can also intensify the symptoms in patients suffering from angina, which in turn can increase the risk of heart attack. As Jack is hypertensive and sustained cervical spine injury, x-ray and ECG are important to assess his heart condition and any kind of internal injury after falling (Forbes and Watt 2015, pp.60). ECG can detect patterns in heart beats to monitor proper blood flow to the heart and necessary nursing care plan can be designed to prevent heart attack. Necessary care and monitoring is needed for patients with supra pubic catheterization. The bag should be present below the waist to prevent urine flow back to the bladder. It is also necessary to monitor whether the catheter is connected and to identify presence of kinks. It is also necessary to move the tubing in the absence of proper draining. In the nursing process, the physical assessment and medical history are important part of data collection for the individualized, patient-centered and holistic care. The medical history is the foundation of diagnosis and treatment as it helps in the identification of patient care needs. The investigations are the key component in the patient assessment that enables healthcare professionals to enable high quality of patient care by giving them a better understanding of the patients complexities, conditions and processes that are involved in the planning care and treatment (LeMone et al. 2015, pp.7-9). Immediate most urgent discharge issue After Jacks discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to hand over his necessary diet plan, nursing care and medications to the staff members in the aged care. It is necessary to monitor his blood pressure and blood glucose levels regularly to provide necessary care with respect to his medical condition. The rationale for choosing this issue is that as he is suffering from diabetic complications and sustained cervical injury, it is important to manage his diabetic or hypertensive condition and his compliance with medications. However, falls may not be an urgent issue but high blood pressure can affect his already deteriorating heart condition. For this, there is need for inclusion of other healthcare professionals who can promote his proper health and improve quality of life. Registered dietician, nurse educator, exercise physiologist and physiotherapists are required for Jack in keeping his diabetes and hypertension under control and compliance to medications. An exercise physiol ogist can inform patients about blood glucose and how to monitor it, so that proper medications can be taken. Moreover, they also provide information about eating strategies and exercises that would help to reduce body fat and high blood glucose levels. Nurse educator would help to educate Jack so that he can take control of his condition and coordinates treatment (American Diabetes Association 2015, pp.S4-S10). Registered dietician can educate and encourage him to follow his daily meal plan as a part of self-management at home and exercise physiologist would help him to develop appropriate exercise for maintaining his fitness level (American Diabetes Association, 2013, pp.S80-S85). Thus, a patient can carry out self -management at home, in the absence of others to take care of him. Reflection According to the Nursing and Midwifery Board in Australia (NMBA) under National Competency standards for the registered nurses, feedback is important as it provides support and reassurance (Birks et al. 2016, pp.522-543). It helps the nurses to become motivated and by taking an active participation in the feedback progress, they can better understand their nursing practice and work towards their professional development. Seeking feedback in nursing practice helps to improve the nursing care and participate in the quality improvement processes. Self-appraisal and constructive feedback enhance critical thinking while reflecting on their nursing practice and in achieving a benchmark in the professional nursing development. Feedback from colleagues helps nurses to critically reflect on their nursing practice and undertake self-regulation on a daily basis for the enhancement of professional development and in identifying the professional needs (Fisher, 2017, p.4). Feedback aids in contrib uting to the professional development as they actively take part in the professional nursing practice as it provides additional knowledge to the existing nursing practice for its enhancement. Feedback can be gained from patients, carers, doctors, colleagues, among others. It helps in communicating with the patients, care givers and relatives to provide highly enhanced care for the patients. It also helps to carry out self-assessment, which can essentially help in improving the nursing practices. These in turn helps in the continuation of the nurses professional development. The NMBA standards for nurses stresses on a variety of domains. These include collaborative and professional practice, provisions for care and reflective or analytical practice. Collaborations in professional practice is necessary to make improvements in the existing nursing practices. Moreover, reflection of ones practices are essential in order to analyse and self deduce the pros and cons associated with the pr actice to make improvements in the future in order to provide enhanced care to patients. Concisely, NMBA standards states that seeking feedback and using information from others by nurses helps in professional development and understanding on how to assess their nursing practice in variety of clinical settings. References American Diabetes Association, 2013. Executive summary: Standards of medical care in diabetes2013.Diabetes care,36(Supplement 1), pp.S4-S10. American Diabetes Association, 2015. 13. Diabetes Care in the Hospital, Nursing Home, and Skilled Nursing Facility.Diabetes Care,38(Supplement 1), pp.S80-S85. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Stages of faith by James W. Fowler Essay Example

Stages of faith by James W. Fowler Essay The stages of faith by which Fowler had devised were observed to be uniform and universally acceptable regardless where one is in his level of faith and religious context. It described man’s effort to seek to understand the finite sphere he finds himself in relation to transcendence. This in turn helped us discern our placements in the order of the grand scheme of things as we passed through different facets in our lives. The theory concerns more with the type of faith a person has from the basic convention that profound belief in God or disbelief may occur at any stage in our journey through life. Its simplicity in meaning allows therapist to resolve problems commonly encountered in psychology from the very resources of a person’s life: the foundation of belief and philosophy of faith. The way people construct their faith reflects the way they see and understand things in their own relevant perspectives. Marking the case of terminally ill people, faith turns out to be the prime factor in determining their quality of life believing that everything happens for a reason. And so there goes the open arms acceptance to anything that comes without the search for apparent reason of its existence. It attempted to connect a person’s word and ideals to faith. Faith being defined as having a language of its own encouraged mankind to seek better understanding of its realm and makes relating to other people easier. There is a perfect resemblance between the first stage and the last stage. The first stage gave the fact that children rely on their parents and environment’s authority as such as the hand me down basic faith teachings to mold their initial foundation on faith and knowing faith. The last stage gave us the paradigm of one’s growth and transformation in spirituality to an unexplainable childlike transcendence from humanity to divinity as exhibited by his selfless concern for others despite of color, measurement or creed. It’s a kind of lifestyle and commitment with no known certainty.   It is like looking to a person through their eyes of faith which is the center of their meaning and passion that moves them to words and action. How a person conceives his world directly relates him to his level of spirituality . And if we have a moment to peep to the doors of their lives, we can say that in some aspects of their lives they have entered the realm of the divine world by a share of their irrefutable faith experience. Coming to terms then with human nature is the object of the divine structure of faith. It is the absolute pronouncement of the meaning of our existence: fellowship with God. We will write a custom essay sample on Stages of faith by James W. Fowler specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stages of faith by James W. Fowler specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stages of faith by James W. Fowler specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

An Application To Selling A Cruise Vacation Package Tourism Essay Example

An Application To Selling A Cruise Vacation Package Tourism Essay This paper seeks to discourse the construct of merchandise life rhythm use to sell sail holiday bundle merchandising in Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) . First, the foreground of develop sail industry in worldwide and in Hong Kong is described and explicate the function of travel agent in selling the sail holiday bundle. Then the construct of merchandise life rhythm is introduced. Finally, a instance survey of Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) is presented to exemplify the life rhythm of selling the sail holiday bundle. Cruising can be interpreted in many different ways and can include many different types of vass. The impression of cruising is best explained by mention to the definition of a sail ship ; vessel set abouting scheduled, deep H2O sails of two yearss or more with a rider capacity of 100 individuals or more ( Research Department Tourism Queensland ) . Another account about sail is a trip by sea on a line drive for leisure, remarkably docking at assorted ports during its journey ( Collins English Dictionary, 2008, ) . Cruise ships are non, like ferries, merely seen as a manner of conveyance. These ships are frequently a finish on itself, and can be typified as drifting hotels, or even drifting resorts ( Dowling, 2006 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on An Application To Selling A Cruise Vacation Package Tourism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on An Application To Selling A Cruise Vacation Package Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on An Application To Selling A Cruise Vacation Package Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Nowadays, many travel agents sell a basic sail holiday bundle which is across-the-board. A sail holiday bundle includes revenue enhancements, port charges, airfare, cabin stay, repasts, and 24-hour room service. ( WTO ) Some of the travel agents given clients with extra merchandise offering of widening their trip either before or after the sail. This packaged merchandise normally includes extra dark corsets at a hotel in the embarking or debarking port. ( Neil Biehn 2006 ) Introduction The sail industry is one of the fastest-growing sections in the travel industry since 1980 the industry has had an mean one-year rider growing rate of 8.1 % . ( By: Miller, Richard K. ; Washington, Kelli, 2009 ) Harmonizing to WTO 2003, although the market portion of sails in the touristry market is little ( 0.6 % of the hotel beds offered worldwide ) , there still has unbelievable growing figures and has a high potency to develop. Harmonizing to B A ; A, rider carrying degrees could spread out from the present 13.2 million to between 19.3 and 30.1 million by 2020 ( see Figure 1 Projected Worldwide Passenger Levels, 2004 2020 Beginning: B A ; A 2004 ) . Figure 1 Projected Worldwide Passenger Levels, 2004 2020 ( Source B A ; A 2004 ) In Hong Kong, the rider degrees for conventional sails have expanded from about 8.5 million to 13.9 million between 1999 and 2005, during the same period, the Asia Pacific part accounted for between 5 % and 8.6 % of the worldwide market. ( B A ; A, 2005 ) Between 1999 and 2005, Hong Kong s typical rate of gaining control of the Asia Pacific conventional sail market ranged from 16 % to 30 % . ( Hong Kong Tourism Report Q1 2010 ) . The figure of cruise vas calls has increased from 409 to 1 051 ( Hong Kong Tourism Report Q1 2010 ) .over the same period. The explosive growing was the consequence of the sail industry redefining itself from a narrowly focussed niche merchandise to a broader-based, mass-market holiday experience. Besides the capacity with many big sail companies puting to a great extent in new ships ( Hayman, 1990 ; Peisley 1995 ) . Cruise ships have advance through a figure of developmental stages ; Amrik Singh ( 1999 ) from the little, 500 rider vass of the 1970s to the rise of the 3600 rider vass of the late ninetiess. See Figure 2 Development of Cruise Vessels ( Source: B A ; A, 2006 ) The capacity of the sail line industry increased from 41,073 positions in 1981 to 172.281 positions in 2001 at the one-year growing rate of 7.6 % .The sail capacity enlargement is expected to go on in the following 5 old ages from 189,441 positions in 2002 to 249,623 positions in 2006 ( CLIA, 2002 ) Time period Length ( m. ) Draft ( m. ) Pax Features of the Period 1960 155 11 500 Vessels acquired A ; refurbished. 1970 215 9.75 650 Standard concern theoretical account used with profitable consequences until the fuel crisis. 1980 245 9 1500 Change in concern theoretical account ; experimentation with larger vass and runing paths. 1990 275 8 2600 Larger vass going the finish. Shallower bill of exchanges. 1997 294 8 3600 Mega-vessels that are drifting metropoliss. Focus on maximising rider capacity. One-region vass non capable of Panama Canal Transit 2000 305 9 3000 Larger vas volume concentrating on making efficiencies with vas design, outside cabin development, vas services and flexible deployment. 2006 300+ 9 4000 Freedom category, 160,000-GT. Allows for increased onboard gross countries, largest vas in the universe position and big economic systems of graduated table. Following Coevals 335-425 9-11 5000+ Product and service led design ; new advanced Marine hull design to back up more above H2O construction. Separate flat towers, amusement zones and comfortss. Limited port deployment options. Figure 2 Development of Cruise Vessels ( Source: B A ; A, 2006 ) Between 2000 and year-end 2008, over 100 new ships were launched ( Travel A ; Tourism Market Research Handbook, 2009 ) . In Hong Kong, the major participants are Star Cruises, Costa Cruises, Princess Cruises and P A ; O Cruises ( Australia ) . Seven sail vass homeporting at Hong Kong in 2008, which include Costa Allegra ( from Costa ) , Star Pisces, Superstar Aqarius, Superstar Libra and Superstar Virgo ( all from Star Cruises ) and Rhapsody of the Seas ( from RCCL ) Due to the sail industry become more and more globalized, Hong Kong Government is besides pressing in front with developing Hong Kong as a major regional sail hub. It will finance the edifice of a sail terminus at the former Kai Tak airdrome. The first position is expected to get down operation in mid-2013. Most North American sail lines do non hold offices setup in the part so general gross revenues agents or travel agents are appointed to stand for them. Harmonizing to Cruise Lines International association ( CLIA 2008 ) merchandising sails is a good concern. The bulk of sails ( around 74 % ) are still sold by travel agents ( Figure 3 Travel Agent Usages to Book Cruise Vacations. Cruise lines still pay committees of 10 % or more. Figure 3 Travel Agent Usages to Book Cruise Vacations ( CLIA 2008 ) Due to the above grounds, there is a high potency to develop sail industry. Therefore, look into the merchandise life rhythm of selling sail holiday bundle is an of import scheme to categorise and expose investing cost hazards, physical factors and information systems needs in different phases. The Product Life Cycle Butler ( 1980 ) was the first to qualify the development of the tourer industry by the construct of the life rhythm merchandise, following the theories of Vernon ( 1966 ) on the international merchandise rhythm. The merchandise life rhythm theory provides an of import position for the preparation of schemes, because each stage of the life rhythm is believed to hold distinguishable features that offset the operation of a concern and accordingly marketing plan ( Avvari V. Mohan, K.N. Krishnaswamy 2006 ) . It says that the development of gross revenues and net incomes of new developed merchandises shows a clear form. Although there are different theories presented the rhythm into different phases such as Reid ( 1989 ) present five phases, where Cokayne ( 1991 ) nowadays into three phases, Despite the non-representativeness of this sample, it is robust plenty to let one major decision that the classical bell-shaped merchandise life rhythm may be a reasonably common form. ( David F. Midgley ) The classical bell-shaped merchandise life rhythm involved four phases which include Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. In this paper, we will utilize the classical bell-shaped merchandise life rhythm ( Figure 4 Life rhythm of merchandise Gross saless and Net income. Beginning: Alan Marklew 1985 ) to look into the phase of selling sail holiday bundle by Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) Figure 4 Life rhythm of merchandise Gross saless and Net income ( Beginning: Alan Marklew 1985 ) Introduction Phase In this phase, new merchandise launched and the rate of gross revenues volumes to get down easy. The selling attempt is focused on placing market demands and specific merchandise characteristiics. ( Enis et al. , 1977 ) . At this phase, significant selling investing in countries such as advertisement and gross revenues promtoion ; hence prodcuts are normally lossmakers for most ( Alan Marklew, 1985 ) . The end of srategies is s to raise the gross revenues from zero to some predetermined degree. Growth Stage In this phase, consumers clearly feel that this merchandise will profit them in some ways and they accept it, the administration will see a period of rapid gross revenues growing. The sum of net income and figure of gross revenues show a strongly betterment. The major elements of marketing programme at this stage is to set up the trade name, spread out distribution, differentiat merchandise, offer merchandise discrepancies. ( Hambrick et al. , 1982a ) . The selling scheme is an of import factor in this stage, which involved merchandise betterments, add-on of discrepancies, and intensive and extended distribution. Besides, increasing gross revenues attempts and advertisement for trade name image are besides of import. ( Hofer, 1975 ) The handiness of merchandises might be communicated to prospective visitants through promotion or promotional activities, viz. in forming of import events. ( Goncalves, Vitor F. Da C.Aguas, Paulo Manuel Roque Fall97 ) . Maturity Stage In this phase, gross revenues slow down as the merchandise gross revenues reach peak as most of the possible buyers of a merchandise have been converted into clients. The rate of growing in gross revenues slows down increasingly and so degrees off. Harmonizing to Hofer ( 1975 ) , in this phase changes in market scheme are required. Company tries to keep market portion and gross revenues and at the same clip happen new markets. It is of import to increasing merchandise line ( Hambrick et al. , 1982 ) , increased advertisement, increasing complementary merchandises, consolidating distribution. Decline Phase Gross saless start to worsen either because of the addition of rivals or consumer gustatory sensations change. Net income becomes more a challenge of production/distribution efficiency than increased gross revenues Identifying the Product Life Cycle phases Several writers have proposed some designation methods to place the phase of the merchandise. For illustration, Reid ( 1989 ) , states that historical information with clip series, volume, sum, monetary values, consequences are need for designation. Levitt ( 1986 ) proposed to find what comes following in order to set up current place. Avvari V. Mohan, K.N. Krishnaswamy ( 2006 ) used the market programme variables as an index. There are 30 variables of MP were identified such as utilizing gross revenues force attempts, selling outgos, promtion innovative, new markets appear, gross revenues recognition, market cleavage, trade name consciousness etc. Doyle ( 1976 ) use different characterisitcs appear in the life rhythm phases to sort the location of phase. In his classfiicatio, he use the figure of gross revenues, sum of profiles, Cash flow, clients features, rivals, market scheme, market costs, selling accent, pricing, distribution and merchandise. ( Figure 5 The worlds of the mercha ndise life rhythm Doyle 1976: ) Product Life rhythm Introduction Growth Adulthood Decline Features Gross saless Low Fast Slow to worsen Worsening Net incomes Negligible Extremum Degrees Get down to worsen Worsening to zero Cash Flow Negative Moderate High Low Customers Early adoptive parents Mass market Mass market Dawdlers Rivals Few Turning Many met excessively challengers Taking market Cardinal Actions Scheme Expand market Market incursion Defend portion Productiveness Selling cost High High Falilng Low Marketing Emphasis Merchandise consciousness Brand Preference Brand trueness Image care Pricing High Maintain Maintain/increase Rising Distribution Patchy Intensive Intensive Selective Merchandise Basic Improved Broaden postion Apologize Figure 5 The worlds of the merchandise life rhythm The state of affairs of selling sail holiday bundle by Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) This subdivision describes the development of the state of affairs of selling sail holiday bundle by Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) . The life rhythm of sail holiday bundle is now at the phase of Growth The grounds are harmonizing to the undermentioned phenomena: Changes in Product line Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) cooperated with different sail company and ever increase the assortment of sail lines. Before 2004, there are merely three sail holiday bundle provided to their clients. This included the sail ships Infinity and Constellation from Celebrity Cruises Company: and Costa Classic from Costa: Cruises Company. Until 2010 April, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) provide 34 assortment of sail holiday bundle to their clients. Besides the sail paths change from within Asia part to Hong Kong USA or Europe. By altering the merchandise line, clients will hold more option to take and it is one of the methods to avoid the lessening in sale volumes of sail holiday bundle. The of import point is that Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) understand their clients penchants, and respond to their demands. And they need to pass on with the Cruise lines have to placing market demands and edifice ships to fit those demands. This may include seting their paths, supplyi ng a assortment of activities, penchants, amusement picks, and involvements, to run into Asiatic outlooks every bit good as to reflect the cultural character of the part Amrik Singh ( 1999 ) Presents, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) coordiante with five big international sail companies. They included Azamara Cruises, Celebrity Cruise, Costa, Royal Caribbean Internatioanal, MSC Cruises. Each of the companies have differenct figure of cruise ships. Each of them with different paths, yearss, finishs and charactieritcs. Paths for each sail ship Azamara Cruises Company: with one sail ship called Azamara Quest which include a 15 yearss tour traveling to Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece Celebrity Cruise Company with four sail ships Infinity which include a 9 yearss tour traveling to Seattle, Alaska, Victoria ) Equinox which include 13 to16 yearss tour traveling to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Israel Eclipse which include 14 to 17 yearss tour traveling to England, Spain, Portugal, France Configuration which include 15 yearss tour traveling to Holland, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Finland, Denmark, Costa: Cruises Company with six sail ships: Costa Classica which include 5 to 9 yearss tour traveling to Taiwan, Shanghai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China, Costa Deliziosa which include 9 to 10 yearss tour traveling to Dubai, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Russia Cost Serena which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Mediterranean Costa Concordia which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Italy, Tunisia, Spain, France Costa Pacifica which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Mediterranean, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Malta Costa Luminosa which include 14 yearss tour traveling to Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Baltic Sea Royal Caribbean International Cruises Company with three sail ships Legend of the Sea which include 7 to 8 yearss tour traveling to Shanghai, Japan, Korea, Russia Voyager of the Seas which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Italy, France, Spain Oasis of the Seas which include 11 yearss tour traveling to Miami, Bahamas MSC Cruises Company with six sail ships Fantaisa which include a 10 yearss tour traveling to Italy, Spain, France Magnifica which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia Musica which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia Orchestra which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Russian Poesia which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Denmark, Germany, Norway MSC Splendida which include 10 yearss tour traveling to Italy, France, Spain, Malta, Tunisia Gross saless Volume among those tourist merchandises selling in Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) At the beginning of selling sail holiday bundle, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) merely selling the bundle through their subdivision offices as the figure of sail is non every bit much as presents. The gross revenues volume of sail holiday bundle is merely 5 % in 2003 ( informations recorded by Flying On Travel Agent Mr. Ho Outboard Operation Manager ) among their assortment tourer merchandise such as circuit, vacation bundles, hotel merchandising and ticket merchandising. At that clip, they do non hold any advertizement about their sail holiday bundle. They merely selling the sail holiday bundle through the publicity by sales representative who sitting in their subdivision offices. In 2006, the gross revenues volume of sail holiday bundle is increased to 11 % ( informations recorded by Flying On Travel Agent Mr. Ho Outboard Operation Manager ) among their assortment tourer merchandise. The increased gross revenues volume of sail holiday bundle is due to the addition of cruise s hips arrived in Hong Kong and the capacity of sail ships increased quickly. Promotion Methods In order to advance the sail holiday bundle, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) will organisation different publicity activities to their clients. In 2008, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) corporate with Royal Caribbean International and invited VIP invitees to see the sail of Legend of the Sea . During the visit, invitees were able to look around and seek to utilize all facilitates and activities on board. Each invitee will have a booklet which introduce facilitate, activities and paths of The Legend of the Sea . Guests were able to inquire any inquiries about the ship during the visit. In the same twelvemonth, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) arranged another group of six 100 invitees to fall in a New Year Party which held in The Legend of the Sea . During the party, there was a lucky draw. The award are included one free circuit of The Legend of the Sea which provided by Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) . In 2008, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) besides held a Maiden Voyage Celebration And Introduction Of Itinerary Meeting of the Voyager of Sea in their Cruise Centre. During the meeting, some images shown so environment ( e.g. adorn infinite ) , installations ( e.g. swimming pool ) , of Voyager of Sea were shown. One hundred of invitees were invited and half of them joined the sail holiday bundle of Voyager of Sea in the same twenty-four hours. In 2009, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) introduce the programme Travel Expertise to supply a to the full service and selling schemes to their clients. Ms.Yuki Lau who is an expertise leader in Cruise circuit. By keeping this programme, the mean gross revenues volume of sail holiday bundle increased 2 % . ( informations recorded by Flying On Travel Agent Mr. Ho Outboard Operation Manager ) Improved Quality In order to better the quality of selling sail holiday bundle, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) established a Cruise Center in Central for their clients to inquire information for sail holiday at 2006. All of the staff in the sail centre has finished the Cruise Selling Training Course provided by Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong ( TIC ) . All of the staff has award the certification of this preparation Course. Furthermore, in 2006, Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) corporate with Costa and three hundred of their staff reward the professional sail expertness University of WOW ( Expert Level ) of Discover Costa . Rival After Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) established the first Cruise Center in 2006, their rivals start to follow them, for illustration Hong Thai Travel Agent and EGL Tour Agent established their first sail Centre at the terminal of 2008 and Decision Harmonizing to the theory of Alan Marklew ( 1985 ) , it can see that the merchandising of sail holiday bundle in Flying On Travel Agent ( Hong Kong ) is now in the Growth phase. A figure of factors will lend to this, the figure of increase gross revenues volume, the present of rival, increasing the entreaty of the merchandise to a wider market, the alteration in merchandise line and the appear of rival. Due to the edifice of a sail terminus at the former Kai Tak airdrome will be opened in the mid 2013, the development of sail industry in Hong Kong has a strong potency to go a prime sail hub in the Asia Pacific part.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Jane Eyre Essay

Jane Eyre Essay Jane Eyre Essay Jane Eyre Essay Writing a Jane Eyre essay you have several options.   For example, you can write about the famous book written by Jane Eyre or explore the biographical essays about her life. Please take a look at the below sample essay on Jane Eyre. If you want to write a unique Jane Eyre essay, you may look through our essay writing tips.   If you are interested in individual essay writing help, try our professional essay custom writing services.   Our help is affordable and we guarantee timely revisions. Our essay writers are experienced in essay writing and can handle any project. Jane Eyre Essay Sample 'Shirley' failed to please Lewes, who was expecting another 'Pride and Prejudice.' To his flippant criticism Charlotte Bronte replied cavalierly, and became herself once more. 'Villette' has never been quite so popular as 'Jane Eyre,' for its scenes are not English, and to the critic its mechanism is crude and amateurish. Its main situation is a reproduction of that in 'Jane Eyre,' with a new setting and new incidents. The obstacle that kept Jane Eyre and Rochester apart was difference in social position; that between Lucy Snowe and Paul Emanuel is religion. In 'Jane Eyre,' society was viewed from the standpoint of a governess; in 'Villette,' as it appears to a school-teacher who has some difficulty in managing her pupils. In her first novel Charlotte Bronte's style was wildly, glowingly Celtic; in 'Shirley' it was rhetorical; in 'Villette' it is more subdued in tone, and rendered more intense and compact by brief and forcible metaphor. This change in style has its correlative in dee per and more intense feeling. The defiance of 'Jane Eyre' has exhausted itself and settled into despair. States of mind are now subtly analyzed that verge upon madness. The debits and the credits in the account of life are reckoned up, and the books will not balance, for there is so little to be set over against pain and grief. We have in Charlotte Bronte a realist of the feelings, trailing, however, the bright colors of romanticism. Her descriptions of the outside of things, of men and manners, we have not much dwelt upon, for the reason that they proceeded so often from prejudice and incomplete knowledge. Roman Catholics and Methodists, the patrons of boarding-schools, and English and French girls, we cannot believe were as she saw them. At any rate, her significance in the course of fiction is that she delineated the intense moods of her own heart and imagination, which have their rapport in the moods of the race. In 'Jane Eyre' and 'Villette,' photography of manners has passed i nto that inner photography which Trollope lamented as an art beyond his power of vision. The next epoch-making step in internal realism was taken by George Eliot, when she dealt with states of conscience and feeling psychologically, arranging and defining them with an attempt at scientific precision. Jane Eyre Essay Writing Service The above sample has one strong disadvantage – it is not tailored to your specific requirements and topic details. If you want to get an original essay written from scratch in accordance to your specific instructions, try our custom essay writing service.   We are devoted to your academic success and will not reject your order at the last minute before deadline!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fasting Times Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fasting Times - Research Paper Example First is the sample selection biased that can influence the research study if a non-random sampleof a population in which all individuals, or instances, were not equally likely to have been selected. Thus, results can be erroneously attributed to the phenomenon under study rather than to the method of sampling. Self-selection will be according to the willingness to participate in the study of individuals and there is a tendency that more educated person will agree to join the study. Another is limited response rate where some of the representative cannot fully respond to the activity that is being asked to them (Macnee &McCabe, 2008, 138). Generally, sampling errors and biases are induced by the sample design. Therefore, a researcher must utilize certain sampling methods in choosing representative randomly in the population to have a chance of being included in the study. The difficulty can also be mitigated by weighting the data when population standards are available or by imputing data based on answers to other